Friday, January 23, 2015

The real problem is lack of accountability and purpose

What is the real problem we are facing in America and what are the effects of this problem?

The real problem is lack of accountability and purpose.  When people do not feel they have a purpose they become lost and if they are not held accountable they go astray.   When people go astray and don’t have purpose they easily become addicted and afflicted.

When did we stop caring about others and holding them accountable for their actions and the harm they do to others?  Maybe we didn’t stop caring, maybe we just stop doing anything about it.  Did that happened when the government said it was their job and we said OK I will take a nap.  Well look how well that has worked out.

Look around you, there are too many people in the world who are hurting and hurting others.  Many are too ashamed to admit they are hurting, they just live with their pain and that pain causes a lot of hurts, habits and hang-up’s.  This causes them to do things and act in ways they normally would not.
We are striking out at others… instead of reaching out. 

All we hear from the media, politicians and celebrities are the cries for stricter gun laws, while ignoring the real problem.  The real problem is the pain people are in and it is getting worse.

Look at how we treat people with mental illness, they are ignored or treated as a pariah instead of being understood and loved.  When you look at the recent mass shootings and what they have in common; a history of mental illness and most exhibited clear signals and those around them covered it up or denied.

Do you think for a moment anyone who takes a gun and kills people at random its because they are happy and feeling good?  Of course not, they feel trapped, partly by the stigma we place on people who are addicted and afflicted by something we cannot see or understand.  Look at mental illness, alcohol and drug addiction, when was the last time a friend of yours said I need you to pray for me or hold my hand, because I am suffering from drug addiction or mental illness.  The answer may be never.  People don’t think twice about asking you to pray for them or sit with them when they have cancer or heart problems.

Do you realize how many people die from drugs, alcohol and mental illness and how many families are impacted each year? 
In 2010
·        Alcohol-Induced Deaths 25,692
·        Drug-Induced Deaths 40,393
·        Intentional Self-Harm (Suicide) 38,364
·        Homicide 16,259

The greatest problem may be denial of the real problem.  No one wants to admit they are addicted or afflicted and no one wants to admit someone they love has a problem.  Instead we hide it, deny it, and excuse it, instead of confronting it.

Look at what is happening to our children.  Why do you think drug use among teens has increased dramatically? No accountability, societal pressures, their lives on social media on display and acceptance of drug use? Are they trying to escape or cope?

In 2012, 6.5 percent of 8th graders, 17.0 percent of 10th graders, and 22.9 percent of 12th  graders used marijuana in the past month—an increase among 10th and 12th graders from 14.2 percent, and 18.8 percent in 2007.

Look at what Hollywood does, they accept drug abuse as a part of the business.  They celebrate those who die from it.  The recent Emmys held up Cory Monteith as an icon.  This is a guy who went to rehab and was sent right back to the wolves that catered to his addiction. Obviously he was in trouble, but did anyone doing anything to help him?  No, they just cried when he was gone.  What should have been done; he should have been helped and held accountable. Sit with him, hold his hand and say I am not letting you get away with this crap anymore because I care, and I am here with you.  The average addict goes to rehab 4 times and 70% relapse within 12 months unless they have a support system.

Would you build a house without a plan, would you start a business without a business plan, of course not?  So how do people recover from addiction and affliction without out a plan. They don’t, they die… Some die fast and some die slow.

Why is it getting worse?
The Entertainment industry has a lot of explaining to do.  They expose our children to more violence than most “Call of Duty,” a realistic military simulation that requires players to kill people, Grand Theft Auto V , which made $800 million in the first day.  Yet they say they have no effect.  If that is the case then why did advertisers spend 2012 U.S. $139.5 billion in 2012 to influence our behavior?  

Have any of these simple slogans influenced you? Finger-lickin’ good – Taste the Rainbow –This Bud’s for you ?

I don’t see anyone protesting this abuse of our children, playing these video games the see more than soldiers on active duty in the Middle East see in a four year tour.

It is time we helped those in need by getting them the treatment they need and show them they are loved by holding them accountable.  If you want to get a handle on this problem you must begin to hold each other accountable.  This includes our children.

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