Monday, January 26, 2015

Dream Job… You don’t always have to follow your passion, but you do have to bring it with you!

dream bigWhat is your dream job and is it the same dream job as it was when you were young and even what you studied in college?  Many of us growing up have a dream job in mind and then we grow up and find out being a cowboy or a sports hero is not what it looks like in the movies.
When I asked what people wanted to be when they grew up the list was predictable.. Fireman, cowboy, astronaut or football player.  For me, I wanted to be a photographer, specifically a wildlife/nature photographer.  That didn't last long, since I wanted to eat and pay my bills.  I ended up going back to college for electronics and now I don’t do that either.
We put such an emphasis on education and careers and then we push our kids to do the same thing. Get an education and a career.  Only to later find out it’s not what we wanted to do after all or maybe it wasn't something we could make a living doing.
In most countries they only hope to be able to feed and clothe their family and don’t dare dream of what job they would like to have.
Do we have the right to dream and choose our life path? You have heard the saying  “Do what you love and the money will follow”.
Well yes we do… and that is exactly what this country was founded on.  Can you imagine if Columbus had not dreamt up the notion that the world was not flat and dreamt of faraway lands? What if the Pilgrims had not jumped on those three cramped boats for the dream of settling new lands?  Can you image if those first settlers had decided the east coast was good enough and not traveled west.  What about those that hit the Rockies and said ehh that’s1-DSC_0013 far enough.  Then others said, hmmm what’s on the other side, let’s climb 14,000 feet over those peaks and see what is there.
Can you imagine what would have happened if we decided the moon was too far and President Kennedy had not said “We choose to go to the moon. We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard”. Where would we be as a nation today if we had not dreamt big?
Dream job.. It is important is to dream and dream big.  Chase your dreams, chase your passion, and don’t sacrifice your heart for someone else’s plan for you.   Encourage your kids to chase their dreams and passions, don’t put limits on them, let them soar.  They will find their own way.  Similar to what an Eagle does when their young are ready.  They force them out of the nest so they learn to fly and to find their own way and soar.    You are never too old to leave the comfort of the nest, chase your dreams or change careers.

Dream Job… You don’t always have to follow your passion, but you do have to bring it with you!

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