Monday, February 3, 2014

Addiction is a silent killer because we don't speak up

Addiction has no rules and does not discriminate. It does not care what your status in society is. Addiction does not care if you are wealthy or poor or what you drug of choice is. Most people do not become addicts, most stop before they go too far. There are others who go too far and don't stop when they have had enough. 

Is addiction hereditary or is it something that just happens. Is it a disease or an affliction? It can be all of the above, but one thing is for sure, when it happens it can be deadly.

In 2010 there were 40,393 Drug-Induced Deaths where is the focus on this statistic?   

No one starts out as an addict or alcoholic, some are addicted right away and for some it takes years. It may start with casual use or one beer and before you know it you are hooked. The question; is it the drug or the booze that is the problem or is it something more.  I call it cause, affect and consequence. Why I say this is because when you look at the person, underneath the addiction, you find it is usually a symptom of a bigger issue. The cause, something that happened at some point in your life, it may be one big cause or it may be a bunch of little causes, The cause maybe how you were treated as a child, or demeaned as an adult. It could be you are dealing with overwhelming success, too much too soon. These are all things that happened in your life which caused you stress, pain or even memories you want to forget or cover up. Then you find if you medicate with drugs or alcohol you forget for a short time. The problem is it comes back with a rush and then you try to escape again.

The thing about addiction is in most cases you cannot overcome it by yourself and  you must deal with the underlying issues. Most people don't seek help until it is forced upon them by significant consequences, such as imprisonment, loss of a loved one or career. They believe they can continue doing what they are doing without consequences, but it doesn't work that way. 

I often tell people to draw a line down the middle of a sheet of paper and on the left list all the things they want in their life. Then on the right side list all the things from the left side they are willing to give up in order to keep their addiction. Usually they don't write anything on the right, but it makes them think of what is possible and what could be lost.

Now for those of you living with and addict or alcoholic I know you put up with a lot and cover up a lot. But here is the problem, on the back of the paper draw a line down the middle and on the left list all the things you want in your life. On the right side list all the things you are willing to give up because of someone else's addictions. Are you willing to let this person ruin their life and yours because of their addiction? Or worse are you willing to let them die? Because they are dying a little every day.

Think about what you are doing for that person in your life who's addiction you are supporting. Yes you are supporting it. By allowing it in your life you are supporting it.

Do you wonder why I am passionate about this topic?  I had a nephew and a brother die from drugs and alcohol, my brother was 37 and he left two teenage boys behind, my nephew was 39 and he left two sons and a daughter behind.  What they really left was a lot of pain and heart ache.

For those of you struggling, think about it, what are you leaving behind? There is help and there is a life after recovery
and you don't have to do it alone. Trust me, your friends and family would love to see you happy and healthy.

For those enabling or surviving with an addict or alcoholic think about how life could be. Speak out and stand up for them, they may hate you for a moment but live to love you.   It starts with you and I and we must say something.  
If you know someone struggling. .. Do not be silent!!  They may hate you at the moment but live to love you later.